
Why does sex go wrong? (Part two)

Why does sex go wrong? (Part two)

"Which bit goes in which hole", was all the sex education that a young carpenter told me he had received.  He raised his eyebrows as if to say, "What could possibly go wrong?"  Most of our preparations for sexual encounters seem to rely heavily on instinct or...

Why does sex go wrong? (Part two)

Why does sex go wrong? (Part one)

Most people will have a bad sex story and it will probably have been more than just an embarrassment.  Sex is such a core aspect of who we are that we can be very sensitive to negative feedback… better fake it than lose face or expose a loved one. When sex is on the...

Why is sex so important?

Why is sex so important?

Sex is so important because it affects us in our bodies, our emotions, and relationships and can even expand our spirituality. Let’s look at some aspects of the biology of sex. Everyone came into being because two people had sex – our biological mother and father. Sex...

Pleasure aversion

Pleasure aversion

It is a sad fact that we are hard-wired for pain. Our old brain is constantly looking out for danger. Survival is its primary concern. It is a risk to enjoy pleasure because we have to relax… let go… and be vulnerable. You deserve it We meet pain from birth onwards...

Our Primate-Brain Sexuality – Part 3

Our Primate-Brain Sexuality – Part 3

The last part of the brain to receive information is the Neocortex which overlays the mammalian brain, where our human sexuality is defined.  The mammalian brain overrides the crude survival instincts of the lizard brain to make bonding and social co-operation...

Our Mammalian-Brain Sexuality – Part 2

Our Mammalian-Brain Sexuality – Part 2

It is a scary idea for many people that our Lizard brains might be influencing our sexuality. To stop this happening most societies use a very effective tool – SHAME. The message shame brings is that it’s not just your behaviour that is wrong but YOU (‘you animal’)....

Our Lizard-Brain Sexuality – Part 1

Our Lizard-Brain Sexuality – Part 1

Said to be the biggest sex organ, the brain has various levels of sexual consciousness. Many of us live in a restricted sexual consciousness, afraid of the shadows on the edges of our minds. It takes courage to deliberately bring those shadows into the light. Real...

Help with Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)

Help with Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)

Help is at hand for the wave of young men who are having trouble getting it up these days. The new condition called Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED) can be dealt with. The growing knowledge around brain plasticity and the addiction process means PIED can be...

Condoms – protection for a safer connection

Condoms – protection for a safer connection

Colonel Leveson’s Condom Imagine a dark night in Worcestershire county, England … in the year of our Lord 1646. The dark clouds of Civil War hang ominously over all of England. In Dudley Castle 340 Royalist soldiers are besieged under their commander, Colonel Leveson....

intimacy coach Graham Stevenson
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