About Graham Stevenson
Sex and Relationship Coach & Sexologist

My sexual journey has taught me that my relationship with myself is reflected in my relationship with others, especially those closest to me.
I had a young and innocent introduction to sex but soon had the shocking realisation that it was a taboo subject. It wasn’t something that was talked about at home. The education at school that was supposed to be preparing me for life didn’t include sex or relationships.
Not surprisingly, my teens were a very confusing and frustrating time with a desire to connect with people but no skills and little knowledge. I was also left with deep psychological wounds where boundaries had been violated.
Thankfully, I found someone with whom I had an easy and open connection who in adult life became my partner. But despite all the potential for happiness together, I found my issues around sex began to negatively impact our relationship. It is hard to know where to turn with something so private and full of shame such as sex.
Thankfully, we both stubbornly believed in our potential for more happiness together than apart. So, we kept working it out mostly alone but at times with the help of others.
Self-acceptance for me was a real key to resolving the pain of guilt and shame. It was a step along the way to forgiving myself, and then forgiving my partner, and finally others in my life.
I know how foundational sexuality is to a sense of self-worth and how wonderfully liberating it is when love and desire is freely and physically expressed.
So, for over two decades now ‘my mess has helped to inform my message.’ I have long recognised that this is the work that I want to dedicate myself to… helping people to find their own authentic sexual self and enjoy intimate connection and a renewed passion.
My Experience
There came a time when I decided that sexuality was the area I wanted to specialise in and soon discovered the world of sexology. I have an eclectic approach and have read and studied the subject extensively. I am a lifelong learner and constantly curious.
I have worked with individuals of various orientations in both monogamous and open relationships. Working in Africa opened me up to the challenges of religious and cross-cultural issues.
I have also trained in a somatic approach that enables me to suggest exercises that I often use for homework between sessions. I believe that through our bodies we are nourished by touch and that new memories of pleasure is part of the process of leaving the past behind.
My Qualifications
I am a Clinical Sexologist that offers relationship counselling. I became a Certified Professional Sex Coach after completing the comprehensive and practical course offered by SexCoachU. I so enjoyed the challenge and stimulation of those studies that I went on to study for a Doctorate in Human Sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.
I am also a certified professional in the Art of Tantra Massage through The Paths of Transformation.
I have participated in the world famous SAR (Sexual Attitudes Reassessment/Restructuring), and attended as well as helped facilitate on the deeply challenging ASPEX course (Advanced Sexological Personal Exploration Xperience) in Poland in 2015 and 2016 respectively.
To complement my core training I have also attended:
- Betty Martin’s course on the Wheel of Consent which informs all my work with clients.
- Esther Perel’s workshop on Rekindling Desire.
- The Foundations of Facilitation course for group workshops.
- Robert and Marta’s Celtic Tantra courses for couples on Tantric Touch and Pelvic Heart Integration.
- The Next Level Practitioner program with The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.
My desire to be informed and stay open to new ideas and discoveries spurs me to constantly read as well as listen to many talks and podcasts.
I am a member of the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists (ASIS) through whom I have professional insurance cover. I am also a member of the World Association of Sex Coaches (WASC) and a member of The Sexual Health and Disability Alliance (SHADA), and I am listed on Find a Therapy, Therapy Route and Lifesexplicit.

What you can expect from me
I like to avoid the three killers of connection… blaming, shaming and judgement and look for what is missing rather than what is wrong.
I want to understand how you have become the person you are and then to hear your hopes and aspirations for yourself and your intimate connections with others. Then I want to help you find your way there.
My first requirement is for honesty so that we can work on what is real. I will help you discover your sexual self and learn what you want and how to ask for it.
Imagine feeling confident in yourself and able to turn up to enjoy intimacy with a lover.
If you’re ready for change, contact me to find out how we could work together.