
Why does sex go wrong? (Part one)

Why does sex go wrong? (Part one)

Most people will have a bad sex story and it will probably have been more than just an embarrassment.  Sex is such a core aspect of who we are that we can be very sensitive to negative feedback… better fake it than...

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Why is sex so important?

Why is sex so important?

Sex is so important because it affects us in our bodies, our emotions, and relationships and can even expand our spirituality. Let’s look at some aspects of the biology of sex. Everyone came into being because two...

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Why does sex go wrong? (Part two)

Why does sex go wrong? (Part two)

"Which bit goes in which hole", was all the sex education that a young carpenter told me he had received.  He raised his eyebrows as if to say, "What could possibly go wrong?"  Most of our preparations for sexual...

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Complaining… Am I right?

Complaining… Am I right?

Your rights Everyone has a right to complain, don’t they? If we didn’t complain we would just end up being doormats. Somebody has to stick up for your right to an opinion… and it’s best if it’s YOU who does that. The...

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Pleasure aversion

Pleasure aversion

It is a sad fact that we are hard-wired for pain. Our old brain is constantly looking out for danger. Survival is its primary concern. It is a risk to enjoy pleasure because we have to relax… let go… and be vulnerable....

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What to do?

What to do?

Regrets can work away inside you like a worm in the heart. They are poisonous and give rise to festering resentment and bitterness. But they are common and we all have regrets. So what’s the remedy and how can you...

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The secret to a fulfilled life

The secret to a fulfilled life

Living in tune with your values is the key to a sense of personal fulfilment. Your values drive your desire for a meaningful life and they are an essential component of your sense of security. What are Values? Values...

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Morals – do they exist?

Morals – do they exist?

No, because morals are the snapshot of our defended egos on the vast landscape of who we really are. I'll use the example of water I like my tea hot and my tap water cold… but does cold exist? Isn’t water either hot,...

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Our Primate-Brain Sexuality – Part 3

Our Primate-Brain Sexuality – Part 3

The last part of the brain to receive information is the Neocortex which overlays the mammalian brain, where our human sexuality is defined.  The mammalian brain overrides the crude survival instincts of the lizard...

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