Intimacy Coaching
For Couples, Men and Women

I specialise in the area of sexuality and its impact on relationships.
Sex is often a significant factor in relationship challenges, contributing to many breakdowns.
My approach to sex coaching is rooted in positivity, focusing not only on addressing particular difficulties, but also on the pleasure and fulfilment you’re seeking. While many want help to resolve issues, true happiness often lies in courageously knowing yourself and turning up honestly.
What My Clients Say
Intimacy Coaching
For Couples
You may relate to what many of the couples I work with feel:
- Frustrated that you can’t quite get past some blockage or beyond some past baggage
- Bored and feel there’s got to be more to sex than the routine that you’ve fallen into
- Resentful that you have always done what was expected of you and now you want to do something for yourself…find your own voice
- Frustrated and angry that you have a big difference in libido that can lead to arguments or the silence of a sexless marriage
- Pressurised by the expectation of sex which has turned you off and you don’t know what to do about it
- Grief when children leave the nest and bring about a change in context and personal loss
I help facilitate many hard conversations that are vital for new life to emerge. Most relationships die of neglect not conflict, in which case addressing the issues honestly is the first step. And, dealing with it together will start rebuilding the connection that feeds into having better sex.

For Women
The most common issues that women present with are to do with desire and orgasm – often a lack of both.
Most of us come with baggage from our childhoods and we need to find a new permission to be free and expressive. The judgements of today’s culture rob many women of their confidence and this freedom around sex.
Sometimes it just doesn’t feel safe. So, it is easier to avoid it. All of this subtle negativity can make socialising a challenge and dating a nightmare. The effects of poor body image and negative experiences can also cause our bodies to react defensively and to make having sex painful and sometimes even impossible.
I can help with all of these issues and if there has been profound trauma refer on, if necessary. Take the first step – call me today at 07933 709 169 or email me. I’m here to help.

For Men
Men are also suffering from issues about desire and orgasm.
Pornography has promoted the idea of sex as a performance. This tends to push out the emotional component that makes it deeply satisfying.
Performance anxiety can lead to erectile dysfunction or early ejaculation (or even delayed ejaculation). For some men body image issues can contribute to sexual inhibitions. These show up as a lack of confidence and clumsy dating skills. So much of it is in the mind but the final proof is in the experience. Honesty is often the first test of the courage needed to make changes.
Why not take the first step? Call me at 07933 709169 or email me here. I’d love to hear from you.

How I Work
Feeling nervous?
It can be very difficult to admit a need for help in sex and relationships. There is so much shame and secrecy around these issues. Intimacy is in our ‘private life’ that we don’t often share about. Your feelings are quite normal. I had to overcome the same challenges looking for help myself. So, I want to assure you of my care, discretion and understanding. I also know that once the ball is rolling that burden will feel a lot lighter.Connecting with me
To help you, I offer a complimentary introductory call for you to get a feel for who I am. Many who felt embarrassed at first were relieved that at last something was being done. It is important to me that we work collaboratively and that you feel in control of the process. We can either meet regularly or be flexible with your lifestyle and work commitments. The sessions will involve some history taking, exploring goals leading to an agreed strategy which will include ‘homework and play’. I work exclusively online.My approach
I believe that sexuality is a fundamental part of our humanity. I am happy to work with any gender identity or sexual orientation, all physical abilities and a wide range of sexual and relational issues. I am also happy working with all kinds of relationship models. For me the essential issue is not about being right or wrong but rather being happy and feeling alive. This means getting in touch with yourself more deeply and expressing it with confidence. Transformation is what I aim for as I believe the answer lies within you and I am simply there to help it come to the surface.My philosophy
I believe relationship is our primary purpose as human beings, as without others our lives are lonely and meaningless. Relationship is the mirror in which we come face to face with ourselves and our shadows. Dealing with the shadow side of sex allows us to experience pleasure and the power to be more present in our connection with others. I’d love to hear from you so ring me now on 07933 709 169 or email me through this contact form.Fees
I offer a complimentary introductory phone call to help you get to know me and understand how I can support you.
Session Details
- All sessions are 55 minutes.
Fees for Individuals and Couples
- 5-Session Online Package: £85 per session (£425 total).
- Single Session: £130 (this can be applied toward a package if you decide to continue).
Payment Terms
- All sessions must be paid in advance.
Cancellation Policy
- Cancellations with more than 48 hours’ notice will receive a 50% refund.
- Cancellations made within 48 hours will incur the full fee.
Complimentary Introductory Call
I’d love to hear from you so call me now or send me a message via this contact form.
07933 709 169
What is Sex Coaching?
Sex Coaching is about POTENTIAL; sex therapy is about PATHOLOGY. (pathology is the study of what is abnormal and constitutes disease)
Coaching is about looking forwards and fulfilling potential – it is a lot more fun. We are surrounded by medical and psychological services that deal with failure and breakdown. It’s no wonder we are anxious and have a negative view of sex.
Coaching is sex positive and celebrates the benefits that sex can bring to individuals, couples and humanity as a whole. It deals with issues from a positive point of view and compliments other therapies. You will need a sex therapist when there is a need for a deeper exploration with a specialist knowledge and approach.
In practice many therapists, counsellors and coaches use a mixture of common knowledge and skills. Research shows that how you get on with your practitioner has the greater impact on the outcome. So, once you have identified the area of your concern, the most important thing is to look for someone you feel safe with and can trust.
What is Sexology?
Why have I never heard of this before?
The history of sexology or the study of human sexuality really begins in the Victorian age. The early sexologists mostly studied people with problems, most notably Sigmund Freud. The culture of that era was what would be recognised as sex-negative today and the knowledge they acquired was passed on to medical doctors to deal with ‘problems’, such as homosexuality. Today’s most well-known specialities have arisen from this medical background. Only in recent decades has research begun to provide information that has redefined normal sexuality (homosexuality was declassified as a disease in 1973).
Modern culture has become far more broad-minded as taboo subjects have been discussed more openly. An attitude of sex-positivity is emerging with a broader understanding of what is natural not just what is normal or problematic. In contrast to therapy, coaching arose as an approach based on reaching forward towards potential, mostly in sport, but it was only a matter of time before it included the field of sexuality. Sex Coaching is one of the more recent developments in sexology in contrast to the pathological view inherited from the Victorians.
Confused? Here are some definitions to help
Therapy: a treatment intended to heal a disorder.
Counselling: aims to help a client look at problems, usually of an emotional nature, from a different perspective with the goal of facilitating some positive change.
Mentoring: using coaching skills in the context of supporting a person into a new function through specific experience and knowledge, typically taking a much longer time than coaching. Mentoring often occurs in the workplace with new appointments.
Coaching: aims at achieving specific goals or acquiring specific skills by co-defining a path and encouraging, challenging and supporting the client all the way to the end.
* The differences between them are not so much in the skills as the direction of approach to an issue.
What do you mean by working transformationally?
How many session will I need?
How long is a session and what do you do?
Is coaching confidential?
Can I do anything to help myself?
What you can expect from me
I like to avoid the three killers of connection… blaming, shaming and judgement and look for what is missing rather than what is wrong.
I want to understand how you have become the person you are and then to hear your hopes and aspirations for yourself and your intimate connections with others. Then I want to help you find your way there.
My first requirement is for honesty so that we can work on what is real. I will help you discover your sexual self and learn what you want and how to ask for it.
Imagine feeling confident in yourself and able to turn up to enjoy intimacy with a lover.
If you’re ready for change, contact me to find out how we could work together.